Booking Process
Register your account via the Time To Pet client portal. We receive your request and approve/disapprove(disapprovals occur based on our availability and/or breed). If approved, you’ll receive a confirmation andyour service dates will be added to the calendar. A $50 deposit is required to confirm your requesteddates. This deposit is nonrefundable and will be deducted from your total invoiced amount.
Meet and Greet
Contact us via our website, social media platforms, phone, or email to schedule an in-person meet-up.Here, we will discuss your pet’s needs, allowing us to get more acquainted before their stay with us.
Photos and Updates
For each service we provide, we will send you an update along with a photo and/or video. For overnight aboarding, this will occur twice a day – once in the morning and once in the evening. If you prefer less or
more, please communicate this with us at any point during the service period.
Pick-Up/Drop-Off Services
If you choose either PICK-UP or DROP-OFF, we charge a flat rate of $10 for up to 5 miles each way – $2
for each additional mile.
Round Trip (pick-up and drop-off) – Flat rate fee of $20 for up to 5 miles – $2 for each additional mile.
Rewards & Benefits
LOYALTY PROGRAM: Enjoy 25% off your full invoice after four successful bookings with us.REFERRAL PROGRAM: You and your referee each receive 25% off after a successful booking. There is no
limit; refer away!
© 2025 Tender Loving Pawz, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Belleville, NJ 07109 Fully insured entity in the State of New Jersey. Privacy Policy ~ Disclaimer ~ Affiliate Disclosure Policy